Archive-name: misc-kids/faq Last-modified: 5/01/95 ===================================================================== Copyright 1995, Diane Lin and John R. Cobarruvias. Use and copying of this information are permitted as long as (1) no fees or compensation are charged for use, copies or access to this information, and (2) this copyright notice is included intact. ===================================================================== FAQ Table Of Contents 1 Changes to the FAQ File Index Since Apr 1, 1995 2 Welcome to 3 Netiquette on 4 FAQ index 5 Related newsgroups 6 Mailing lists *** Changes to the FAQ File Index Since Apr 1, 1995 *** *** Archival Information for Some FAQ Files! See below *** NEW FILES AVAILABLE: Children's Software FAQ NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME! (education/entertainment) Infertility FAQ NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME WILL RETURN AT A LATER DATE Childrens Software Reviews WWW site: http://qv3pluto.LeidenUniv.NL/steve/reviews/welcome.htm Stephen C. Steel Extended Breastfeeding List: To Subscribe to the list send email to: (LEAVE SUBJECT LINE BLANK). In the body put: subscribe PARENT-L Your Email Address Lois Patterson is the list-maintainer at REVISED CONTACT: Baby Carriers NONE AVAILABLE! The previous owner of this FAQ is nolonger available. If someone would like to take this over it is available! ******* *** Welcome to *** Welcome to, the newsgroup for parents, soon-to-be parents, and other people interested in children. In this group, we discuss issues relevant to pregnancy and child rearing, solicit advice from other netters on a host of parenting concerns, and generally seek and provide support and encouragement with respect to raising kids. This is a group intended for parents of children of *all* ages, including teenagers and adult children. This document introduces new readers both to the preferred etiquette for and to a service we have devised in this group: a compilation of files of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). *** Netiquette on *** Most of the guidelines here are the same as in news.announce.newusers. In fact, it is *strongly* recommended that you read the etiquette guidelines in news.announce.newusers (or in any other introductory text on news readers) before you post any articles. o Please be very careful when asking for or giving medical advice. It is one thing to state what your experience with X might have been, and another thing entirely to dispense medical advice to complete strangers. If you are asking for medical advice, please consider the source, and consult with a trusted medical professional before using any advice you obtain from the net. o Please respond via e-mail whenever possible; if the original poster was soliciting advice/information, s/he should post a summary to the net. This helps cut down on net traffic. o If someone takes the time and energy to respond to a query which you have posted, *please* extend some common courtesy by acknowledging his/her response via e-mail. A simple "thank you" should suffice in most instances. o Please read all follow-ups before posting one of your own; in many cases, someone else has already covered the same point. o Please limit the amount of material included from previous postings as much as possible, and try to be concise. Certainly, .signatures should be excised. Remember that most of the audience for are busy parents. However, please make sure you include enough of the original article so as to make your follow-up sensible. (For example, follow-ups such as "I totally agree!" with no material included from the previous article make no sense at all, due to the nature of news readers. And of course, if *ALL* that you want to say is "I totally agree!", that should certainly be handled via private e-mail.) o Please watch your attributions carefully; avoid misquotes and misconstructions. o Please avoid cross-postings to other newsgroups unless you are absolutely sure there is relevance to the other group(s). There is usually nothing that will spark a flame war faster than to cross-post an article to groups such as, soc.women, or If you feel you must cross-post or respond to a cross-posting, please delete from the Newsgroups line as soon as the relevance to this newsgroup disappears. o Please check your Subject line carefully! If you are starting a new thread, do not use the standard follow-up command. (If you aren't sure about how to post a new article, read some help articles, or read news.announce.newusers (strongly recommended reading for any new netter anyway).) Similarly, if you want folks to read your article, and especially, if you want people to offer advice/comments, tailor your Subject line accordingly. This is a very busy newsgroup, and Subject lines that are vague might not catch the eye of the very people who might have something to offer. For example, if you have questions about breastfeeding and sibling rivalry, please take the time to write two separate articles with appropriate Subject lines. o Please remember that this newsgroup has a world-wide readership. With that in mind, please note the following: First, readers whose primary language is not English might not know what a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarian) is, or what Tylenol is. (There is an FAQ file entitled "Acronyms" -- please check the FAQ File Index for instructions on how to request that file.) Second, check your Distribution line before posting an article. If you are looking for an occasional babysitter in Idaho, you're unlikely to find interested readers in New Zealand! Third, please be understanding and patient with spelling or style errors made by people who are obviously posting from a non-English speaking country. (For that matter, spelling and/or grammatical errors should not be pointed out via the newsgroup, but through private e-mail if you feel it is absolutely necessary to show someone the error of their ways.) o Before posting an article to, please be sure it is actually relevant to parenting or children. can be a great source of support, but it is not the only newsgroup on Usenet. Thus, queries regarding the best dishwasher to get would be entirely inappropriate for this newsgroup. o While there is a newsgroup ( for non-adults to participate in, comments from children and teens are very welcome in this newsgroup. o Please refrain from name-calling, tantrums or other hysterics-- we get enough of that from our children :-). *** Index to FAQ Files *** ======================================================================= NOTE 1: Some/many of the files listed below are available via the Web. Use URL "" or "" to get a listing of what's available. ======================================================================= NOTE 2: There are several groups, and many of the following FAQ files are posted in (and are therefore archived). The other related groups are: software and computers for kids holidaying with children consumer issues related to children health issues related to children pre pregnancy planning, pregnancy, childbirth FAQ's and important announcements other kid related discussions alt.adoption adoption alt.child-support child support issues discussions among children with net access alt.missing-kids missing children alt.parents-teens parenting a teenager dealing with breastfeeding issues dealing with diabetes in children being a step parent being a single parent being a foster parent rec.arts.books.children children's books homeschooling for religious reasons homeschooling for other reasons If your site carries these and you're interested in the topics that would naturally fall into such groups, please add them to your news reader file. ======================================================================= NOTE 3: An increasing number of the files listed below are available on the newsgroups, misc.answers and news.answers. These files are also archived and available for anonymous ftp at and their archive names are included in their listings. To access the archived copy, ftp to (userid: ftp, password: your-email-address); cd to pub/usenet/news.answers/misc-kids and then "get" the file(s) desired using the name given below. (The current index file is archived with the name "faq"). The affected files are noted by the line "Archive: X", where "X" is the name of the archived file. If you are interested in any of the following topics, please e-mail the contact person directly, who will then send you a copy of the file. Please be specific when requesting files, as some folks maintain more than one FAQ file. If you would like to add something to the files listed, please also do so via e-mail, and indicate that you would like your comments added to the FAQ file. Please read the instructions carefully. If a notation follows the person's e-mail address, e.g. (Subject "send toys"), the subject line should read "send toys", *WITHOUT* the quotation marks, of course. Such files are sent out automatically, and if you don't put the correct subject line in your e-mail, it will not be processed as quickly. Also, please do *not* request FAQ files using an anonymous address--files will most likely bounce or get truncated because of the automatic stripping of the headers by the anonymous mail server. If you ask for an FAQ file and don't get it within a week, it may have bounced. When you ask again, please be sure to include your e-mail address in the body of your request, in case 'reply' doesn't work. ("Rec." = "Recommendations") Please also keep in mind that some of the files are quite long, which might confuse/bollux some mailers. At the end of this Index is a list of mailing lists for specific topics. ==================================================================== Copyright 1995, Diane Lin. Use and copying of this information are permitted as long as (1) no fees or compensation are charged for use, copies or access to this information, and (2) this copyright notice is included intact. ==================================================================== TOPIC CONTACT PERSON/ADDRESS ADD (Attention Deficit Frank Kannemann Disorder) ----------------------------------------------------------------- AFP (Alfa-Fetal Protein) Lynn Gazis-Sax Archive: misc-kids/pregnancy/screening/AFP (also available via anonymous FTP from in the pub/usenet/ga/gazissax directory) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Acronyms Dave Johnsen (Subject "send acronyms") ----------------------------------------------------------------- Allergies/Asthma Eileen Kupstas ----------------------------------------------------------------- Alternatives to Physical John R. Cobarruvias Discipline (Subject "send faq") ----------------------------------------------------------------- Amniocentesis Lynn Gazis-Sax archive: misc-kids/pregnancy/screening/amniocentesis (also available via anonymous FTP from in the pub/usenet/ga/gazissax directory) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Au Pair/Nanny Info Noel Birkner or (also available via anonymous FTP from in the /pub/no/noelbrk directoy) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Auto Safety Andy Lowry ----------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Carriers NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME ----------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Monitor Recommendations Mike Dedek ----------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Names: A Listing Fil Feit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Babyproofing Ideas Sandra Smith Archive: babyproofing/[general, hearths, gates] ----------------------------------------------------------------- Extended Bedrest for Pregnancy Sian Meikle Complications ----------------------------------------------------------------- Birth Planning Sabrina Cuddy Archive: pregnancy/birthplan/part 1 and pregnancy/birthplan/part 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Blood Types / Sue Stigleman Rh Incompatibility ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bottle/Cup - Solid Foods Tips Linda King ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bradley Method of Natural Sabrina Cuddy Childbirth Archive: pregnancy/bradley/method ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bradley Pregnancy Nutrition Sabrina Cuddy Archive: pregnancy/bradley/nutrition ----------------------------------------------------------------- Breastfeeding--Length of Kate Gregory Early Difficult Period ----------------------------------------------------------------- Breastfeeding: Nipple Soreness Heather Madrone ----------------------------------------------------------------- Breastfeeding Past the First Kim Smith Year Archive: breastfeeding/toddlers ----------------------------------------------------------------- Breast Pumps Rec. Beth Weiss (Subject "send breastpump FAQ") ----------------------------------------------------------------- C-Sections Amy Moseley Rupp ----------------------------------------------------------------- Canoe Camping with Children Kate Gregory ----------------------------------------------------------------- Car Seat Rec. Liz Allen ----------------------------------------------------------------- Chicken Pox Cathe Gordon On the WWW: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Childhood Vaccinations Lynn Gazis-Sax Archive: vaccinations/part 1 through vaccinations/part 4 (also available via anonymous FTP from in the pub/usenet/ga/gazissax directory) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Children's Books Rec. Hilary Morrison ----------------------------------------------------------------- Children's Books With Female Hilary Morrison Central Characters ----------------------------------------------------------------- Childrens Software Reviews WWW site: http://qv3pluto.LeidenUniv.NL/steve/reviews/welcome.htm Stephen C. Steel ----------------------------------------------------------------- Children's Software NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME! (education/entertainment) Send e-mail Review are welcome! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Circumcision Janet Sakell jcs@holmes.acc.Virginia.EDU ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cloth Diapers Rec. Anne H. Wiebe ----------------------------------------------------------------- Colic Elaine Kiernan anonymous ftp at /pub/kiernan on ----------------------------------------------------------------- Crib and Cradle Safety send e-mail, request "NFP Primer" ----------------------------------------------------------------- New Baby-Stuff to Have Bruce User (Subject "send stuff") ----------------------------------------------------------------- Nursing Bra Recommendations Kate Gregory ----------------------------------------------------------------- Nursing Strikes Beth Weiss (Subject "send strike FAQ") ----------------------------------------------------------------- Outdoor Activities for Young Gloria Logan Children (8 and under) glogan@atk.COM ----------------------------------------------------------------- Parenting Books Rec. Paula Burch On the Web, use URL "" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Parent Effectiveness Training: Sue Stigleman Experiences & Courses ----------------------------------------------------------------- Picnic/Camping Fun & Games Harry Bahlman ----------------------------------------------------------------- Poisonous Plants Mike Dedek ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pregnancy and Pre-Pregnancy Tests Lynn Gazis-Sax archive:misc-kids/pregnancy/screening/prepregnancy (also available via anonymous FTP from in the pub/usenet/ga/gazissax directory) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prenatal Testing: Overview and Personal Stories Lynn Gazis-Sax archive:misc-kids/pregnancy/screening/overview (also available via anonymous FTP from in the pub/usenet/ga/gazissax directory) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Preterm Birth Stuart Houlahan ( ----------------------------------------------------------------- Raising Street Smart Kids Harry Bahlman ----------------------------------------------------------------- Resuming Intimacy After Colleen Porter Childbirth ----------------------------------------------------------------- Selecting a Pediatrician Lisa Chirlian Subject: "send ped FAQ" Archive: pediatrician-questions ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sibling Spacing Cathe Gordon On the Web use URL ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep Problems Margaret Kelliher ----------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Solids David Poduska Archive: starting-solids ----------------------------------------------------------------- At-Home Parenting Cathe Gordon On the Web, use URL "" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Margaret D Gibbs send email to with "send /pub/usenet/news.answers/misc-kids/sids" (no quotes!) in the body of the message. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Temper Tantrums Gloria Logan Archive: temper-tantrums ----------------------------------------------------------------- Toilet Training Joanne Petersen ----------------------------------------------------------------- Toys and Games for Kids Bruce User (Subject "send toys") ----------------------------------------------------------------- Traveling with Kids Diane Lin (Subject "send travel") ---------------------------------------------------------------- Twins Jean Dickey ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ultrasound Lynn Gazis-Sax archive:misc-kids/pregnancy/screening/ultrasound (also available via anonymous FTP from in the pub/usenet/ga/gazissax directory) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Walkers Colleen Lago CLAGO@ariel.Princeton.EDU ---------------------------------------------------------------- *** Mailing Lists *** Adoption (in general): The body of the request should say something like "subscribe adoption ". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adoption (for adoptees): To join, send mail to The body of your mail should read "subscribe adoptees". Post by sending mail to ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asthma/Allergies: To join, send mail to Post by sending mail to ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Birthmothers: Send mail to ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Birthparents: To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of mail to LISTSERV@INDYCMS on BITNET or LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU on the Internet: SUB BRTHPRNT yourfirstname yourlastname. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Developmentally Delayed Kids: To subscribe, send a message to containing subscribe our-kids where is your e-mail address. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Endometriosis: To Subscribe to the list, send mail to: LISTSERV@DARTCMS1.BITNET or with the BODY of the mail (NOT subject) containing the command: SUB WITSENDO yourfullname To post to the list, send mail to: WITSENDO@DARTCMS1.BITNET or -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extended Breastfeeding List: To Subscribe to the list send email to: (LEAVE SUBJECT LINE BLANK). In the body put: subscribe PARENT-L Your Email Address Lois Patterson is the list-maintainer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Home Education: subscribe by mailing to Post by sending mail to ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Infertility NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME WILL RETURN AT A LATER DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twins & Super Twins: subscribe by mailing to; in body of text, write" subscribe twins" or to find out more before joining, send the messages "info twins" and "info twins-digest" in body of message. -----------------------------------------------------------------------